Friday, July 23, 2010

The day I started talking.

Despite the fact that there are currently millions of blogs online, I couldn't help but notice that there is a void. There are all kinds of people exploring different areas of everything via their blogs, but there doesn't seem to be anyone exploring what it means to be young, female, and Canadian in the 21st century. Things have changed, and while these millions of blogs may be proof of that change, there doesn't appear to be any young female Canadians reflecting upon that change.

There is a lot going on in Canada that is going unreported and unexpressed. That is this blog's raison d'ĂȘtre: to explore what it means to be young, female, and Canadian today. It won't always be interesting, it might very occasionally be insightful, and will probably often be shallow. But it will always be honest from my standpoint. I can't speak for all of us, but I can speak for one of us. I encourage discussion, and if you have an opinion that differs from mine, don't be afraid to share it.

And in case I haven't already said this enough: young, female, Canadian.


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